Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Amendment 9

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This amendment covers the reservation of rights of people, meaning that any rights not stated in the Bill of Rights can still be considered a right, even though it isn’t written down. This is so that we are not limiting our liberty. For example, there can be a guaranteed right of privacy, it can’t be denied even though it isn’t written down. 

This video does a great job of explaining the right of privacy, referencing three other amendments dealing with privacy. Whom ever made the video obviously doesn't have much experience, but the kids do a good job at the beginning of the video. 

This image explains how the 9th amendment shows that our liberty is not limited. This is important because when they wrote this, they knew that the country would change and advance beyond their imagination, so they put it in writing that citizens can be entitled to more rights than what is listed in the bill of rights. 

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