Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Amendment 27

"No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."

In the final amendment of the constitution, they decided that senators and representatives cannot receive their raise until they face the electors. This keeps them accountable for their actions and helps the American people because this way, the people in these positions will have more pressure to get things done. I think it's important because they have to do what it best for the people before they receive their raise. 

In this video, he talks about how members of congress and the House of Representatives cannot get a raise until they face the electors, this way they are held accountable for their actions and their accomplishments. Politicians must watch their back so that they do not get more money than they have earned. 

In this comic, there are three members of congress trying to decide on what to do for the economy, unemployment rate, and then the shmuck on the right suggests that they deserve a raise before they have even done anything. This is why the 27th amendment is in place, so that this does not happen. 

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